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  4. The Summer Party Bouquet

The Summer Party Bouquet

From £26.00

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Tony's Chocolonely Milk Chocolate Bar


  • 2 x Purple Alstroemeria, 2 x Yellow Rose, 2 x Cerise Carnation, 2 x Blue Iris, 2 x Purple Stocks, 2 x Cerise Spray Carnation, 2 x Yellow Germini, 2 x Sunflower
  • Delivered in bud to guarantee freshness, allow 24-48 hours to bloom
  • Add a free personalised bouquet gift message
  • Packed for freshness in recyclable protective card
  • "How to care for your flowers” info card included
  • UK Next day delivery available (Selected times)

Make their day with this Summer Party Bouquet, delivered straight to their door. The elegant arrangement creates a beautiful bouquet which is sure to impress. So, whether you’re letting someone special know that you’re thinking of them or sending a bouquet to friends or family as a celebration, this bouquet is perfect.

Don’t forget to add a free personalised gift message which will be included on a small card.

Your flowers will then be sent to you via a UK courier delivery service. If your order is placed before 4pm Monday to Sunday, your flowers will be delivered the next day between 7am and 7pm unless you choose to schedule the delivery for another date.

Our flowers are grown in the UK and internationally and often shipped while budding to ensure that they stay fresh during transit, as well as allowing you to enjoy them for as long as possible. So, don’t worry if the flowers aren’t in full bloom when they're received.

Bouquet includes: 2 x Purple Alstroemeria, 2 x Yellow Rose, 2 x Cerise Carnation, 2 x Blue Iris, 2 x Purple Stocks, 2 x Cerise Spray Carnation, 2 x Yellow Germini, 2 x Sunflower

Please note: Alstroemeria can be harmful to humans and pets if eaten, may cause skin irritation. Carnations are toxic to pets if eaten. Iris can be toxic to pets if eaten. 

Only Available to the UK

Express Tracked£5.00
Delivered by DPD from only £5 Delivery costs for weekends, bank holidays and seasonal occasions may vary
Flower buds

Delivered in bud to guarantee freshness, allow 24-48 hours to bloom


Add a free personalised bouquet gift message

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Packed for freshness in recyclable protective card

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"How to care for your flowers" info card included

Delivery icon

UK Next day delivery available Monday to Sunday (Selected times)

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