
Funky Pigeon Privacy & Cookie Notice

We take your privacy very seriously so you can shop with confidence at

When you place an order, we collect some personal information from you such as your name and email address. This information is collected and held securely. We use the latest encryption methods to ensure to ensure your personal information cannot be read or used by unauthorised third parties. We treat all your personal information as confidential, complying completely with data protection and consumer legislation. Reputable third-party banking institutions process payments and handle credit card and debit card transactions complying with strict legal and contractual obligations to keep your personal information private.

For more information about our security and privacy notice Click Here

Managing Cookies

If you do not have cookies enabled on your device, your website experience may be limited. Use the links below to learn more about how to manage, enable and disable cookies.

My Funky Rewards Cookies

See the My Funky Rewards Cookie Policy for more information regarding cookies used when visiting My Funky Rewards.

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