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The Little Book of Dad

From £6.99

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7 hours 51 minutes 18 seconds

Their bellies may stretch their spandex beyond saving and their capes may only fly after a large ominous-sounding fart, but - make no mistake - dads are superheroes. Well, half the time, at least. Because, let's not forget, when it comes to cocking things up, dads are also incredibly self-sufficient.

Ignored by mums everywhere and taken advantage by babies of all ages, being a dad is arguably the world's toughest job (after motherhood, of course). Overworked, underpaid and constantly in need of feeding, dads deserve just as much attention, validation and an equal share of the duvet as mums, and yet often have to settle for second best. From taxi-ing teenagers to funding fun, juggling jobs to half-arsing house chores, dads simply are the best.

Even at their hungover worst. This Little Book of Dad is a celebration of dad-hood, daddy-ing and all the dad-based shenanigans that come with it. And it couldn't be more timely.

With Netflix, YouTube and Fortnite - all of whom are much more fun than you - there has never been a better time in history to sit back, relax and just enjoy the wonders of fatherhood. Consider this tiny tome a bedside companion for exhausted dads of all strange shapes, sizes and smells, which, last time we looked, was all of them.

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